Frequently Asked Questions

  • + How can I use Aeon AI?

    Aeon AI can be used for:

    Identify and qualify properties on a large scale and quickly validate potential purchases. Aeon AI allows you to instantly become an expert in any market.

    Distinguish yourself and set your property apart as a Seller with our “Digital Storefront”—a link that greatly enhances the marketability of your property by providing unmatched data for both your parcel and the market. Buyers can quickly understand and analyze the multitudes of economic variables associated with your property, therefore the due diligence process is expedited and deals close faster.

    Property or Portfolio Management
    Analyze markets to better understand and forecast economic trends in the industry. Track your portfolio in near real time using 65 data streams and 250+ real estate data sets that affect current and future value propositions. Being proactive on each property in an ever-changing portfolio is now possible with Aeon AI. Big data and analytics allow for better asset allocation and strategic planning.

    Better Governance
    The three fundamental primes to any economy are Land, People, and Time. The Gross Potential GDP of any geographic area is predicated on the decisions made while balancing these three primes. Aeon AI’s core algorithm begins here and provides the data and forecasting tools to enhance your stewardship over lands. Infrastructure costing and planning via real time data create a quicker and more cost-centric land planning and management.

  • + What information is included in Aeon AI?

    Aeon AI tracks 65+ core variables for individual properties and 250+ real estate and economic data sets associated with general market conditions. All data is customizable within the dashboard component.

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  • + How accurate is the data in Aeon AI?

    Aeon AI is a tool that provides the client with default statistical mean data. The client is free to adjust those same data sets within the algorithm for infinite sensitivity analysis. As Aeon AI relies on multitudes of data streams from third parties, we cannot guarantee accuracy of the data received. However, the great power within Aeon AI is the standardized comparability between millions of properties using the same data standards.

  • + How often is data updated in Aeon AI?

    This depends on the data set and the frequency in which they are updated at the source level. Soil types, for example, are updated once a year as the data rarely changes, while market data can be updated daily.

  • + How does the ROI slider work?

    The user can use the slider to both comparatively vet ROI between properties and to use to screen out lower ROI locations within a market. The client can set the slider to divide ROIs into three sections by manipulating the arrows for each section. The slider is set to default at <5% (Red, 5-10% Yellow, and 10+% Green). Keep in mind the ROI includes a discount rate that is adjustable in the “Client Control Panel.” Discount Rate is set as default at 10%.